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Parent and visitor feedback

We have been delighted to receive some lovely feedback from our parents, carers and visitors!

Feedback Strategies

I really think the staff at your school are another level and their commitment and care really does go a long way so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I'd just like to say that the Millbrook team are amazing! We as parents are so lucky to have such a caring team of wonderful teachers looking after our children, helping them grow and learn - you act like their school parents! I've always been told that a good team is due to great leadership so thank you so much for going above and beyond for the children. I appreciate you all so much!

Thank you so much to all the staff at Millbrook for the wonderful videos! It really keeps the boys so engaged!

I would also like to say a personal thank you to all teachers, ta’s and everyone behind the scenes for making this difficult time as fun and safe as possible for children and parents! You are all doing such an amazing job.

As we reach the end of a very strange half term, I just wanted to write to let you know how grateful I have been for the remote teaching and learning that has been provided for my son. The use of Tapestry as a platform to set and share work has worked brilliantly and the lessons have been pitched perfectly. I can honestly say that I have (mostly!) enjoyed working with X on his learning and it has been lovely for him to see the familiar faces of his teachers each day on the computer.

I cannot thank you all enough for your kindness, patience and support!

We’ve just received a little bundle through our letter box from you all. :) How incredibly thoughtful and lovely!  It’s made me cry... what an amazing school team you are at Millbrook.
Thanks for everything you do.




Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
