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Vision and Mission statement



Our vision is to be recognised as an exceptional school, a school where through our core values of kindness and responsibility, every member strives to help each other be their best each and every day.

OUR Mission

 The school’s mission is to deliver this by working together in a welcoming and friendly school where all can flourish.

Our vision and motto are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children as confident and happy learners.

We want our children at Millbrook to believe in themselves, to achieve and experience success in all that they do. We celebrate effort, hard work and progress, encouraging our children to be their best in everything they do - whether that is academic or social. We also want our children to show good manners and be proud of themselves and their school.


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
