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Useful links

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  • ThinkUKNOW

    Published 12/03/21

    Online Safety

    The internet is a fantastic resource and can be helpful to children and young people in lots of ways, but they can put themselves at risk without realising it. 

    Parents need to know the GOLD rules:

    G – Ground Rules: parents must have ground rules.

    O – Online safety: activate security settings.

    L – Location: keep the computer in the family room. Prevent your child from using tablets in his/her bedroom, alone. Set time limits.

    D – Discuss: talk to your child about what they are doing on the internet.

    Children are taught the SMART rules:

    S – Safe: stay safe online by not giving out personal information.

    M – Meet: meeting someone you have met online could be dangerous. Online friends are strangers.

    A – Accepting: don’t accept emails or messages from people you don’t know.

    R – Reliable: people online might lie about who they really are. Only chat online to your real-world friends and family.

    T – Tell: tell someone (parent, carer, trusted adult) if you are worried about any online issues.

    Safety on the web:

    Millbrook Primary School would encourage all parents and children to visit the CEOP website (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) to build knowledge of how to stay safe online.

    This website has lots of fun activities from which children can gain vital information on staying safe.

    Click on the link:

    A great alternative to Google search engine for children to use is Sites appearing in Kiddle search results satisfy family friendly requirements, as they filter sites with explicit or deceptive content.

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  • Millbrook welcome TA Sports

    Published 12/03/21

    Millbrook Primary School announce Partnership with TA Sports

    We are proud to have formed an exclusive partnership with TA Sports to support the delivery and enrichment of Sport, Physical activity and Healthy Lifestyles.  With a wealth of experience in running holiday sports camps, after-school clubs, football coaching, multi-sport clubs, TA Sports have significantly increased the opportunities available to the pupils at Millbrook within and outside of the school day.

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    Published 12/03/21

    Why you should download our school mobile app

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Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
