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تويتر \ Cathcart Street Primary School (cathcart_street@)

Visits for Prospective Parents and Children

Is your child is due to start school in September 2024? If so, you can now book a visit to Millbrook School this term.  We offer a one to one visit with a senior member of staff.  You will have the opportunity to tour the school and ask any questions you may have.

Please contact the main school office - or on 01235 764822 to book your visit.  

Millbrook Primary School is an Academy which forms part of the Vale Academy Trust. It follows the general admissions policy for Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Local Authority and OCC deal with all our admissions for Primary School age children.

Please note - all in year admissions are subject to age verification (e.g. birth certificate) and eligibility. 

Starting School

Applications for starting school in September 2024 should be made on-line at

At this moment in time all children reaching statutory school age may start school full-time in the September of the school year in which the child reaches their 5th birthday.  Legally children do not have to take up their place until the start of the term after their 5th birthday.  The offer of a place can be deferred until that time. 

When the Local Authority allocates places to children reaching statutory school age, there may be a greater demand than there are places available.  In cases like this oversubscription criteria will apply in the allocation of places. Please see the admissions policy for further details or contact the Admissions Team on 01865 815175.

In Year Transfers

Applications for in-year transfers should also be made on line at

If the school has spaces in any year group then parents/carers are entitled to take up those places for their children.  Each year group can take up to 60 pupils.  When the Local Authority allocates places to children reaching statutory school age, there may be a greater demand than there are places available.  In cases like this oversubscription criteria will apply in the allocation of places. Please see the admissions policy for further details or contact the Admissions Team on 01865 815175.

Millbrook Nursery
With regard to Nursery admissions these are dealt with by Millbrook Primary School.  We follow Oxfordshire County Council’s guidelines and further information is contained in the Nursery Admissions Policy.  

We can offer 5 mornings or 5 afternoons (15 hours) during term-time or 5 full days for qualifying parents (30 hours) during term-time - see below for more information.

To apply please click on this link Millbrook Nursery Online Application Form This is the link to our online application form.  Please note that for the September intake the deadline is 31st March. 

For more information on Nursery Admissions please go to our Nursery page.

30 Hour Nursery Places

Working parents may be entitled to 30 hours free childcare per week from September 2020. You qualify for this if both parents are working, or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family, and each parent earns at least £120.00 per week (16 hours at min/living wage) and less than £100,000 per year.  Parents who are not eligible for the 30 hours funding will continue to be entitled to 15 hours.

At Millbrook Nursery we are able to offer working parents 30 hours of funded childcare. 8.30am – 3.15pm, including a payable lunch club.  These 30 hours can be split using another provider; you will need to tell us if you will be doing this and which other setting you will be using.

More information on the 30 hour free childcare entitlement is available at

and you can check your entitlement and apply for the 30 hours entitlement at

Visits for Prospective Parents

We are always happy to welcome visits from prospective parents and children.  Please contact the school office on 01235 764822 or at if you would like to come and have a look around.

Applying for a School Place

You can apply online at  An online application is the most efficient and secure method of applying.

Appealing for a school place

You may appeal for a place at the school you want if you have not been offered a place.


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
