School Uniform
By clicking here you will be taken directly to Millbrook’s school uniform suppliers
Our approach to School Uniform
Millbrook Primary School has adopted a new school uniform in recognition of the important role that a uniform plays in promoting a sense of pride in the school, providing a sense of community and setting an appropriate tone for education. We expect all children and families to take responsibility for their appearance and to ensure that they adhere to the school uniform requirements.
It is policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours unless it has been specifically confirmed by the school that school uniform is not required.
The role of parents
Parents are expected to support this school uniform approach. Parents are responsible for supporting their child in arriving at school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork.
One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.
The School Uniform (required)
The school has chosen the required uniform items carefully taking into account the affordability of the items and value for money. Value for money takes into account considerations of cost, quality and durability of the items. All items of required uniform have been tried and tested to ensure that they are of high quality, hard-wearing, machine washable and long lasting.
MILLBROOK POLO SHIRT (school specific or plain navy)
The third column.
GINGHAM SUMMER DRESS (optional summer choice & non school specific)
SCHOOL SHOES (Black required - wide range of style and choice - no trainers please)
PE Kits (required)
Children wear their PE kits into school on their PE days. This enables PE lessons to start promptly and children do not need to get changed in school. Our PE kits feature a logoed navy blue t--shirt and black jumper. Children then can wear plain black leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms.
Our uniform suppliers
Cost of school uniforms
Millbrook Primary School follows the legal guidance on the cost of school uniforms which includes making sure they’re affordable. It is our aim that cost should never be a barrier to families and pupils applying for and attending Millbrook Primary School.
As such we have:
limited the number of branded items in the uniform
made sure that second-hand uniforms are available
provided new uniform for some families at a reduced cost
Information on how to buy second-hand uniform if available from the school office.
If you are on a low income you may be also able to get help with school uniform costs. Please contact the Head of School for more information as to how we can support.