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Vale Academy Trust & School Policies

School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, or paper copies of any documents please ask the school office. For details of our use of the Pupil Premium Grant and Sports Premium Funding can be found within the designated area of our website. 

Policies address the practical implications of how to achieve the school's vision and are a key means of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions in our school. They are concerned with key processes within school and are about interactions between school, pupils, parents and community.  They are about ensuring highly effective teaching and learning, about safety and about basic human rights. 

All policies at Millbrook are intended to guide the work of the leadership team and the staff to provide a framework for the smooth functioning of our school based in a shared understanding of the school's strategic plan and vision. Some policies are Trust based and some are more school specific.

Vale Academy Trust Policies (these cover all schools in the Trust -

  1. Anti-bullying-policy
    PDF File
  2. Behaviour-management-policy
    PDF File
  3. Charging and Remissions Policy
    PDF File
  4. Data-protection-privacy-notice-for-applicants-including-volunteers
    PDF File
  5. Early-career-teachers-ect-induction-policy
    PDF File
  6. Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy.docx
    PDF File
  7. PSED - Equality information and objectives Millbrook
    PDF File
  8. Freedom of Information Policy Procedures and Requests
    PDF File
  9. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
    PDF File
  10. Gifts-and-hospitality-policy
    PDF File
  11. ICT-acceptable-use-policy
    PDF File
  12. Reimbursement-of-expenses-policy
    PDF File
  13. Special-educational-needs-and-disability-send-policy
    PDF File
  14. Whistleblowing-procedure
    PDF File
  15. Personal Care Policy - Millbrook
    PDF File
  16. Data Protection Biometric Data Policy
    PDF File
  17. Governors Allowances Policy
    PDF File
  18. Relationships and Sex Education Policy
    PDF File
  19. Accessibility-Plan-School-Millbrook (22 - 24)
    PDF File
  20. Children with health needs who cannot attend school
    PDF File
  21. Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy
    PDF File
  22. Safer Recruitment Policy 2023 - 24
    PDF File
  23. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023/24
    PDF File
  24. Suspensions and Exclusions Policy
    PDF File
  25. Premises Hire Policy Millbrook
    PDF File
  26. Millbrook-Attendance-Policy-2023-24
    PDF File
  27. Educational Visits Policy
    PDF File
  28. Data Protection Privacy Notice for Pupils Parents and Carers
    PDF File
  29. Data Protection Policy
    PDF File
  30. Data Protection Privacy Notice for Staff
    PDF File
  31. Data Protection Photograph Policy
    PDF File
  32. Complaints Procedure
    PDF File
  33. Data Protection Data Breach Procedure
    PDF File
  34. Allegations-of-Abuse-Against-Staff-Policy
    PDF File
  35. Records Retention Policy
    PDF File
  36. Policy statement on recruiting applicants with criminal records
    PDF File
  37. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy Statement
    PDF File
  38. Code of Conduct for Parents
    PDF File
  39. Pupil Premium Policy
    PDF File
  40. Health and Safety Policy
    PDF File


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
