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Our Core Values - Kindness & Responsibility

At Millbrook, praise is central to nurturing, engaging and motivating children to reach their full potential.  Throughout the school, all staff and stakeholders praise children’s positive behaviour through a variety of ways both inside and outside of the classroom. It is vital that children recognise that behaving well, being kind and embracing responsibility are the backbone of not only our school community, but of our wider community as well.

We promote and celebrate kindness in a variety of ways at Millbrook. Millbrook Manner stickers are given to any child showing great manners. This could be saying good morning, asking how someone's day is or holding a door open. Weekly kindness certificates are awarded for children who show brilliant acts of kindness including: Looking after a child who has just fallen over, a child who has made something for another child or supporting a child in their class.

Responsibility is an important part of our school culture and we want our children to demonstrate this in and outside of school. All children have the opportunity to be responsible through our various roles across the school including: school squad, office assistants and Pupil Parliament. This enables our children to have a wider influence on school life and feel empowered to help and support the Millbrook community.

The Nest

We recognise that sometimes children have unresolved issues or are upset and need some additional support in order to settle in their learning. The Nest is our nurture support base where our two amazing learning support workers Mrs Buchanan and Mrs Walker (trained ELSA) work.

They offer children support socially and emotionally and help children to problem solve so they are able to return to their learning as quickly as they can. The Nest has been designed to be a calming environment where children can feel comfortable and relaxed which supports our nurturing culture.

Both Learning Support Mentors run specialist groups to improve communication, social interaction and how to deal with their emotions This allows children to develop areas that are vital in order for them be good citizens.

Pupil Voice 

"It's great to talk to Mrs Buchanan and Mrs Walker. They are so helpful!" - Raydee

"There is time for you to think and talk in a quiet space!" - Lacey

"The Nest is a great place to go to make you feel better!"- Ava

"The Nest helps to solve problems!" - Leo


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
