Being a Sportsperson
The PE and Sport curriculum at Millbrook Primary School develops the enjoyment of physical activity and strives to improve the importance of health and wellbeing. Our intention is to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, with the vision this provides them with lifelong learning skills.
'Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong'
John F. Kennedy
Children are helped to acquire the skills needed to participate with confidence and enjoyment in a range of individual team activities at school and in the wider community, and to appreciate the place of regular exercise as a way of keeping fit. We ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, engaging them in a range of sports to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confident, and to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do.
Our PE curriculum covers the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum and ensures all children are given opportunities to be challenged to progress their learning further. Through our teaching of PE, we aim to deliver the lessons in a meaningful context, giving purpose and wherever possible curricular links are exploited. Our aim is for all children aim to take part in a minimum of two hours of high-quality PE and sporting activities each week. Teaching is supported and enhanced by a specialist Sports Teacher who is a member of the school’s teaching staff.
A well-balanced programme of sporting activities is provided for the children that includes opportunities for expressive and creative movement through dance, as well as gymnastics, swimming, athletics, games, and outdoor and adventurous activities. Learning through co-operative and competitive activities helps to promote an understanding of inter-personal relationships. Children take part in sporting activities within the school, and with other schools, including Trust and county tournaments and competitions.
Physical Education is enriched through a wide range of well-attended after-school clubs and activities. Such opportunities enable pupils to develop personal and social skills as well as preparing them for leisure activities in adult life (cultural capital).
During their time in Upper School pupils have the opportunity to take part in residential visits. A range of outdoor and adventurous pursuits are offered including abseiling, climbing, kayaking, orienteering, cycling and archery. We value these opportunities for our pupils to participate in physically challenging land and water-based activities, believing they can make an important contribution to children’s personal and social development.
Gold Mark in the Sainsbury’s School Games
We are delighted to announce that we have again been awarded the Gold Mark in the Sainsbury’s School Games. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of participation and competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are assessed across bronze, silver, and gold levels.
Now for some facts as to why we achieved the Gold mark:
- We have very high levels of provision for physical education and school sport.
- A high proportion of young people in our school are engaged in extra-curricular sporting activity each week.
- We provide opportunities for leadership and officiating both inside and outside of lessons.
- We provide a wide range of Intra School & cross school competitions.
- Sport is promoted on the school website & newsletter and through social media (twitter).
- As a school we have taken part in a significant number of different sports competitions this year.
- We have active links with external community sports and leisure providers.
PE Leadership Team