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Technology is an integral part of everyday life.  At Millbrook Primary School, we prepare our children for a future in an environment which is shaped by technology. We aim to develop confident, independent learners who plan, design, create, program and evaluate information through the use of ICT.  

‘Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all’.

John F. Kennedy

As well as the benefits of ICT we are also aware of the risks, therefore we prepare our children to stay safe online through a robust Online Safety Curriculum, as well as promoting online safety through the annual Safer Internet Day.  At Millbrook we acknowledge that computing and e-learning make an enormous contribution to all aspects of school life, for pupils, staff, governors, parents and the wider community, in this ever-changing technological world.   

Computing skills are taught and practised within discrete sessions so that they can be applied across the curriculum to enhance other subjects. Alongside the computing curriculum, aspects of Online Safety through the PSHE curriculum are taught.  As children leave primary school, we aim for children to transfer this knowledge and have the confidence to implement these skills in everyday situations.

Every class has access to a range of IT equipment including Chromebooks, Lap tops and iPads.  We encourage staff to incorporate technology throughout the wider curriculum and use these skills to research and present writing in a variety of ways. Each class has access to an Interactive Whiteboard, and teaching is delivered using this technology. Skills are covered through the long term overview and year group Learning Journeys.

Computing Leadership Team 

Ms Cat Boaz


Computing Layer 1 - Whole-school Long-term Plan


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
