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Pupil outcomes & School Performance

Pupil Outcomes

Year 1 Phonics screening check

In 2022 Millbrook School Pupils were above National Average in the Phonics Assessment

National averages show that 75% of children achieved the Phonics screening mark in 2022. At Millbrook 80% of pupils achieved the phonics screening pass mark.

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skilfully. Research shows that when Phonics is taught in a structured way, it is the most effective way of teaching young children how to read. The Phonics Screening Check is a short, simple assessment to make sure that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of six. All Year 1 pupils in maintained schools, academies and free schools must complete the check.

"We believe that having a good grasp of Phonics is crucial to our pupils’ development, as being able to read well from an early age enhances their understanding and knowledge acquisition, not to mention their ability to articulate and express themselves in writing.” - Mrs Faye Charlton (Head of School)

Key stage 2 attainment

At the end of each key stage, pupils’ attainment is measured by statutory assessments against the standards set out in the national curriculum.

Statutory assessment for pupils in primary schools is the responsibility of the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), an executive agency of the department.

At key stage 2, pupils working at the level of the national curriculum sit tests in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS), and receive teacher assessments in writing and science. Pupils working below the level of the national curriculum but engaged in subject-specific study will receive teacher assessments against the pre-key stage 2 standards. Pupils working below the level of the national curriculum and not engaged in subject-specific study will be assessed using the engagement model, which replaces P scales

Reading, writing and maths (combined) attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) are those who meet the expected standard in all three subjects. The expected standard in reading and maths is a scaled score of 100 or above. The expected standard in writing is a teacher assessment of 'working at the expected standard' (EXS) or 'working at greater depth' (GDS).

Pupils who reach the higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) are those who achieve a scaled score of 110 or more in reading and maths and are assessed as 'working at greater depth' (GDS) in writing TA.

Reading test attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in reading are those who achieve a scaled score of 100 or above. Pupils who meet the higher standard in reading are those who achieve a scaled score of 110 or more. 

Writing teacher assessment attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in writing are those who achieve a teacher assessment of 'working at the expected standard' (EXS) or 'working at greater depth' (GDS).

Pupils who reach the higher standard (referred to as greater depth) in writing are those who are assessed as 'working at greater depth' (GDS). 

Maths test attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in maths are those who achieve a scaled score of 100 or above. Pupils who meet the higher standard in maths are those who achieve a scaled score of 110 or more. 

Grammar, punctuation and spelling test attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling are those who achieve a scaled score of 100 or above. Pupils who meet the higher standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling are those who achieve a scaled score of 110 or more. 

Science teacher assessment attainment

Pupils who meet the expected standard in science are those who achieve a teacher assessment of 'working at the expected standard' (EXS) or 'working at greater depth' (GDS).

Pupils who reach the higher standard (referred to as greater depth) in science are those who are assessed as 'working at greater depth' (GDS). 

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021/2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018/2019 academic year.

Performance Tables | Aylesford School, Kent 


Millbrook School
School Lane, Grove
OX12 7LB


01235 764822
